Thursday, January 19, 2023

Everything Tarnished

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Two women deal with the aftermath of lust and unfaithfulness when they learned all gilded things eventually will reveal their true colors.

Always the social climber, Queensley married what she believed to be her golden ticket to the upper-class life she always desired. Now stuck in a loveless marriage, she begins to question her prosperous union when she falls for the prodigal billionaire bad boy who happens to be the identical twin brother of her sister-in-law’s deceased husband. Beautiful and sophisticated Therese once again finds love with a man who adores her and her son, only to have her dead husband’s twin come back into her life. Not only do the feelings she held for her dead husband re-emerge when she sees him, but so do the passion she felt for him years ago. Once again, she finds herself in a torrid love triangle with her sister-in-law, Queensley. The Dumas family saga continues as Therese and Queensley find themselves confronting their pasts and their future.

As with gold, when love is not pure and merely wears a gold layer, it starts to tarnish. What happens when that layer peels off and what underneath begins to fade?

Talking With LaShelle L. Turner

What was the writing process like for Everything Tarnished?

I wrote at least two hours a day for six months. Then I got back to work toward a final draft.

What music did you listen to while writing Everything Tarnished?

Classical. I am a big fan of string concertos. Classical music puts me in a good mood.

What was your favorite scene in Everything Tarnished to write?

My favorite scene is when Queensley confronts Therese about her own infidelity with her dead husband's brother.

What was the hardest scene in Everything Tarnished to write?

The hardest part involved writing about Queensley finding out her mother died.

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