Monday, November 25, 2019

Hopeless Series (Mini-Review)

The Hopeless Series by A.K. Koonce is a series about how Zakara manages to rise in power and battle the greatest threat the world has ever known. The series is made up of the books Hopeless Magic, Hopeless Kingdom, Hopeless Realm, and Hopeless Sacrifice.

Many times in books like these the men aren't entirely desirable and I find myself 'forgetting' certain physical characteristics so the sex scenes are enjoyable. One of the many things these kinds of books can't get right is what the perfect manhood size is and instead go for the biggest you will ever find. An average manhood is good, just saying.

This series, on the other hand, has all three fae actually hot. I didn't have to forget anything in order to enjoy them.

Zakara, more commonly called Kara, has a personality that did take a little getting used to. She seemed to be extremely aggressive at times just to be extremely aggressive. Luckily as the series went on I found myself liking her more and more.

Each of the three men (Daario, Daxdyn, and Ryder) were given enough time to become characters you cared about. Hopeless Realm made an excuse to keep Kara alone with Ryder so their relationship could thrive.

I would recommend this book to someone who wants a steamy romance as well as a good story. I would also recommend you get the bundle as I don't think the books would read as well on their own.

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