Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Quotes from Animorphs Megamorphs #1 The Andalite's Gift

While I am now using more quotes in my Animorphs Re-Read and each chapter I cover has a quote from the chapter at the start of talking about that chapter, there are a lot of good Animorphs quotes. Too many to fit comfortably in a Re-Read.

So below are some gems from the fifth chapter, narrated by Marco, from the first Megamorphs book!
Okay. Okay, maybe it was a little immature to sneak into Darlene’s party as a mouse. But you didn’t hear what she said about me!


I can’t control this creature! Ax wailed. It’s insane!

Just go with it, I said. It’ll chill out eventually


But what was sick was that I really, really wanted to stop and eat some of those bugs. There was this one beetle, kind of bluish-black, and the mouse brain was like, Ah, cool, lunch!


Animals develop instincts for a good reason Ax said darkly. If the mouse is cautious, it probably has good reasons.


Well, this is boring, I said to Ax.

What did you expect?

I expected them to be talking about me, naturally I said.


"No duh," Darlene said. "He thinks he’s so cool and so cute, but he’s totally not. He always makes jokes about stuff that aren’t even funny."

Well. I could stand them saying I was immature. That’s what girls always say. But saying I wasn’t funny?


I took off. I ran for the legs. Ax came after me yelling, What are we doing?!

We’re just going to see how good Darlene’s sense of humor is, I yelled back.


Naturally, I chased her. And naturally, Ax came with me.


Everyone was totally overreacting. I mean, give me a break, I was two inches long! How scary could I possibly be?


I have the feeling, Marco, that this was not a good idea.

Nah. Everything according to plan.


I was halfway back to human, a strange mix of mouse tail and huge ears and human legs - a scary-looking creature. The way Mickey Mouse would look if he’d been invented by Stephen King.


Then I saw it. It was gigantic! Enormous! A creature that seemed to be made of nothing but teeth and blades and destruction. It was like twenty Hork-Bajir glued together and given dragon wings.


It looked down at us with a dozen weird eyes that seemed to be stuck here and there at random. It stared at us the way I’d seen Tobias stare at his prey.

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