Saturday, September 3, 2011

Limitless (2011)

Title: Limitless

Director: Neil Burger

Based on the Book: The Dark Fields (re-released under the title Limitless)

Written By: Alan Glynn

Starring: Bradley Cooper, Anna Friel, and Abbie Cornish

Rated: PG-13

Released: 2011

Rating: 4.5/5

Oscars: N/A

Basic Plot: Eddie Morra (Bradley Cooper) is a starving writer until he takes a drug.

The Movie is Different From the Trailers
The trailers make Limitless appear to be about Eddie Morra trying to beat off Robert De Niro's character. What the movie actually turns out to be is very different. The conversation you see between De Niro's character and Eddie is actually at the very end of the movie and doesn't really add to the plot that much.

NZT-48 (The Wonder Drug in the Movie)
What the drug does is just amazing. It seems to change everyone who takes it and turns them into their better self. Most of the people who take it once seem to grow addicted to it and can't stop. Of course, if you stop taking NZT-48 it does cause some serious problems for you. What I find interesting is that the girl Eddie is dating takes NZT-48 once and decides never to take it ever again.

Would I Take the Drug?
I would have to answer yes. It would cause a huge drug dependency on me and if I ever quit I could die. But I would love to take something that could make me a smarter person and what Eddie does in the movie is just amazing.

Final Thoughts
This movie is a very good Science Fiction movie in that the What If question is interesting. I had been wanting to see this movie for awhile. Bradley Cooper does a good job at dramatic acting (plus he looks hot). I might read the book that this movie is based on.

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