Tuesday, August 2, 2011

S&N: Curse Revealed 1

It had been hours since I had escaped The Net facility and stolen another car once I had gotten far enough away. The Net facility had been my home since my rebirth. I shouldn't say rebirth since I am now a machine. I was once a living, breathing, human girl and now I am a Machine. A filthy Machine.

Though I was allowing an inner dialog inside my head, I was focusing more on my surroundings. I would shortly be with Samara and I couldn't wait. I felt that if I could still feel something with Samara I would be human enough.

I finally found the apartment and felt a feeling close to happiness. It wasn't the same, though. I should have been feeling extreme bliss after being away from Samara for so long. I slowly got out of the car as I imagined that Samara would not accept me. Hell, I didn't even accept myself most days now.

I walked to the door as I gathered courage that I did not feel. Before I got to the door I looked behind me and saw something that I couldn't really tell if it was there or not. It flickered in and out. It seemed to be a young woman who was all in white and her whole form was nebulous. Finally she just disappeared. I would have to get myself looked at later.

Turning back to the door, I walked to the door and hesitated a moment and then knocked. With my Machine hearing I heard more than one person in the apartment. Was I already replaced by Samara? Would it now be easier for her to push me away?

The door opened and a man greeted me. My human memory didn't recognize him but my database did. It identified him as a member of Karma. My friend unless he found out what I really was.

"Can I have a glass of water?" I asked while giving him the hand signal.

The man looked at me a moment before nodding and letting me in.

"Why did Karma send you here?" The man asked after he shut the door.

"I can't tell you because of orders." I replied. Karma sometimes would have its members keep secrets from other members. This was, of course, so that the secrets could be better kept. Also allowed less of a chance for betrayal. "But what I can tell you is that I'm looking for Samara Crichton."

I was worried that this was pushing away the Karma member's trust in me. Looking around I could see two other members in the room. I could see their distrust of me but they had to follow their leader.

After a few minutes the Karma member nodded.

"I will have her location in a few minutes. I don't believe I've heard anything about Crichton's location being kept secret." He said and paused a moment. "And maybe you can help her. She lost her lover a few years back and you look like her type of woman."

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