Monday, February 14, 2011

Odd Fanfiction Pairings

I stay away from fanfiction the majority of the time. Why? Because most people will either be in their own little world and others will just not get what the characters are really about. One thing about fanfiction, that I know without reading that much, is the pairings. Now some pairings are cannon or make some sense. But the good majority of pairings put two people together that wouldn't go together.

Here are a few that I have encountered:

Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter or Hermione Granger (from the Harry Potter series)

Love him or hate him (I hate), Draco Malfoy is all about pure bloods and the return of Voldemort. Even when Malfoy realizes that the Dark Arts aren't what he thought they were, he doesn't go over to the good side.

Harry Potter is the savior of the wizarding world. He is the opposite of Malfoy. Nothing in the books seem to suggest that they would become a couple. But I don't mind it that much and tend to laugh it off.

Hermione Granger was born from two muggles (non-wizards). A crude word to describe her would be mudblood. As I stated before, Malfoy is about pure bloods and hates mudbloods and blood traitors with a passion. The fact of Hermione being a mudblood alone keeps Malfoy away from her. It just seems like their relationship would be too much of a stretch.

Sarah Connor and Derek Reese (from the Terminator series, TSCC)

This is one pairing I agree with. I watched Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles and saw so many little things. Their relationship, though, seems to be full of harassing the other. Sarah Connor doesn't trust many people and so their relationship wasn't in full swing because of that. Plus the fact that Derek is Kyle's brother and Derek isn't Kyle.

One of the first things that Derek says to Sarah is that she looks good. Derek is a soldier of the Resistance and one of the best. He doesn't just take orders, he gives them.

Sadly Derek died and so a possible romantic relationship between the two was gone. For those necrophiliacs out there: he was burned and turned into ashes before being buried.

Sarah Connor and Cameron (from the Terminator series, TSCC)
Sarah Connor is against machines and she hates them (another similarity she shares with Derek Reese). In Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles she only stands Cameron because she protects them. When Cameron's chip gets damaged she has no qualms about killing her. The only one against destroying Cameron is John Connor.

So Sarah Connor is not a very good match for Cameron. Something that people seem to miss about this pairing is that Cameron is, above all else, a machine. Yes, she seems to grow more human but her way of thinking is completely different from ours. The only reason, I think, that Cameron likes John is because she was sent on a mission to infiltrate and part of that programming probably came back to bite her in the ass (stop thinking about biting Summer Glau's ass! ). And even Cameron admits that her programming to kill him is still there.

For those that like femslash (what I assume means two girls getting it on) I can get the pairing. Two good looking women getting it on. The only problem comes with making Cameron have too much human emotions. In one fanfic I read she gets oversensitive physical feelings and that turns her into a lesbian.

So those are my opinions on some of the pairings that I have come across. Will I read more fanfiction? Probably not. Please don't send me fanfiction.

Hope everyone is having a great Valentine's Day!

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