Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Mars Needs Moms (2011)

Title: Mars Needs Moms

Director: Simon Wells

Starring: Seth Green, Joan Cusack, and Dan Fogler

Rated: PG

Released: 2011

Personal Rating: 1.5/5

Oscars: Do You Really Think This Turd Of A Movie Would Even Be Nominated (don't you dare use Transformers 3: Dark of the Moon as an example) ?!

Basic Plot: A young boy named Milo gains a deeper appreciation for his mom after Martians come to Earth to take her away.

Graphics Are Awesome
The one good thing about this movie is the graphics. They are breathtaking. I thought the aliens looked cool (though Ki got tons of butt shots). It's just bad that these good graphics are wasted on this film.

Unlikable Characters
One thing about movies is that they should have at least ONE likable character. Is that too hard to do? Apparently it is for this movie. I admit I'm biased AGAINST children in fiction, but Milo took the cake. Not even two seconds of his first screen appearance and I wanted to kill him. Gribble seemed like I would like him. But after a few minutes that hope was quickly dashed. Let me just note that likable isn't the same as good/virtuous.

Martians Are Now Hippies
The footage from Earth that Ki got were of the Flower Power/'60s. This means that we got one character speaking in an annoying manner. Not as a joke, but thinking that's how humans speak. While that annoyance could be overlooked by the end, how this affects the other Martians can't. Ki helps them take tips from the footage she saw. So now Martians are the new Hippies.

Final Thoughts
There are so many unanswered questions. Such as: Why can't the Martians breathe their own air? Why does the Martian Society at the start of the film have such a shitty back story? Why am I asking these questions? I hate this film! There are so many cliches in this movie. I'm not saying movies have to be original, but they at least have to step away from using every cliche in the book. Maybe if some of the characters were likable I could stand this. But we'll never know the answer to that question.

Bonus Video

Pretty Little Liars "Father Knows Best" Review

I give a short review of the Pretty Little Liars episode "Father Knows Best".

11/22/63 (Stephen King)

Title: 11/22/63

Author: Stephen King

Released: 2011

Rating: 5/5

Basic Plot: Jake Epping goes back in time to try and stop the Kennedy Assassination.

How The Book Deals with Time Travel
I love time travel. It's one reason I love the Terminator franchise. You can handle time travel in many different ways, so I was excited to see how King handled it. Let me just say that it was a great portrayal of time travel. The dangers that are inherent in King's version of time traveling can create chaos (even if the person time traveling has the best of intentions).

The Romance
I'm not going to be talking about Sadie's ex-husband in this part, if you were wondering. I'm talking about how the romance with Sadie affects Jake's decisions he makes. I think if there wasn't a romance with Sadie his choice at the end of the novel wouldn't have been as difficult.

Historical Fiction
This might sound strange: but even though this novel involves time travel, it is a historical novel. The good majority of the novel focuses on the 'Land of Ago' (aka The Past). While this could be boring, what Jake encounters is more than enough to make up for it.

Final Thoughts
I love Stephen King. And was overjoyed that Jake Epping (the main character) was able to use the fact that he's an English Teacher to his advantage while visiting the past. King's son (also a writer) did a good job at telling King to use a different ending. Which I think helps the book. This book does involve sex and violence. But those used to King's writings will already be used to that. Nothing was too extreme for me.

Oscars (2012)

In this video I say who the winners are, comment on the winners, and say what I think about the ceremony. Plus there's a guest star!

Monday, February 27, 2012

The Walking Dead "18 Miles Out" Review

I give a short review of The Walking Dead episode "18 Miles Out".

A lot of people are mad that The Iron Lady won for Best Makeup, as opposed to Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. What're your own thoughts on this?

I think Harry Potter should have won for that. While The Iron Lady seemed to do a good job. HP had to create a whole world and it did that EXTREMELY well!

Ask me anything

The Eternal Heart: False Hero 1

Note:This is a Terminator fanfic that combines a bunch of different timelines, twists them around, and so can't be said to follow any one certain timeline.

I opened my eyes as I heard the sounds. The sounds were loud and threatening. Who was I? Where was I? When was it? As a machine attacked me I realized those were questions that could be answered later. Trying to get away from the attacking machine I realized there was a gun in my hand. I didn't know why I didn't notice it before. But, again, that didn't matter. What mattered was that I had a gun.

I aimed it as though I had used guns before. When I shot the machine I realized I must've previously attacked the same kind of machine that was after me. A Terminator. Yes, that was the name. It seemed familiar to me.

As a bullet went over my head I realized I would have to think about that later. I scored a solid hit on the Terminator and fluid burst out. I would've sworn it was red but the fluid changed colors. By the time it fell to the ground I couldn't remember what color it originally was.

As more Terminators attacked my memory came back. The fact that the blood was pumping quickly through my veins must've helped me to remember. My name was Jash and I was a Resistance Fighter.

As my memory came back I was able to kill the metal, a nickname for the Terminators, easier. When I killed them I heard them scream and curse me. Why would metal do those things? Besides, they were the invaders. They were the foot soldiers of Skynet and wouldn't think twice about killing me or any human.

The sounds of battle finally drew to a close. When they were fully gone, it felt eerie. I walked over to one of the Terminators and recalled that his name was Martin Bedell. How did I know that? I nearly laughed when I realized that the Terminator was wearing a dog tag with its name on it.

"Just because you have a name doesn't mean I give a shit about you." I said and spit on it. "I am Jash of the Resistance Against Skynet. And I will never surrender my humanity to you."
The Eternal Heart Blog

Sunday, February 26, 2012

The Green: Remnants and Spreading

I give a brief synopsis of The Green: Remnants and give a preview of the next section.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

The Green: Remnants (complete)

I was driving and Plague was asleep beside me. I was new to driving, or at least I didn't have any memories about it from before the lab, and so I was concentrating very hard on the road. Plague had already driven a lot on our mission and so I had decided to practice while he slept. I liked that he trusted me with his life.

I had trusted him with something much more valuable last night. I had come out of the shower when I saw Plague lying on the bed. It wasn't a fancy bed by any means, just a cheap motel one. I wasn't surprised, though, our relationship had been growing. He was taking things at my speed, which was faster than it was slow.

Nodding my agreement, Plague took me through my first sexual experience. Well, my first that I could remember. The enjoyment I got to being so close to Plague was exhilarating. However, the physical feelings that I experienced were not as enjoyable. He was kind enough not to do anything too rough or extreme.

By the end of the night I had grown comfortable with gay sex. It was enjoyable but, somehow, lacking in an area I couldn't figure out. Plague and I had a conversation afterwards and he reassured me that it wasn't unusual for virgins to be frightened. I then realized I would have much more time to grow closer to my lover. And I wanted to grow as close to Plague as I could in every area.

I shook my head and concentrated on the road. I, Matthias, didn't have time to think about Plague right now. Making sure I didn't crash was much more of a concern. Finally the gas station was in sight and I pulled up.

The only one that paid any attention to me was a bum. I got out of the car and started to pump gas. All throughout this the bum just continued to look at me. It was uncomfortable to have such a gaze thrown at me. While Plague did sometimes stare at me, it was full of adoration. The bum's gaze, however, was judgmental and ready for a fight.

After I filled the car up I walked to the bum. I was scared for my life and didn't know if Plague could wake up in time to save me. But, on the other hand, he had trained me to fight. I was a beginner, but could hold my ground.

When I approached the bum I gave him a signal. It was made up of sounds and gestures. The combinations wouldn't make sense to a random person watching. It would just seem like I was yelling at the bum.

The bum looked at me closely and nodded. He told me a location in Sante Kol, New Mexico where the people we were looking for were located.

I walked to the car, got in, and started to drive to the location that the agent had given me. Though I'd always think of him as a bum.
Sante Kol, New Mexico was a little hard to find. But Plague and I were finally able to find it. The small neighborhood had a foreboding atmosphere. As Plague was now driving, I was free to worry. Worry that I would get Plague hurt because of my stupidity.

Upon driving up the house's driveway, I put my gun into my hand. Mine was small and not all that powerful. That was okay by me since it meant that if I messed up I wouldn't kill Plague. I got out and turned to see Plague hold his own gun. Much more powerful but also controlled by trained hands.

Nodding to each other we walked quickly to the front door. Though my feet's movements were quick, it felt like time slowed down and sped up at the same time. I wasn't ready for an attack at this time. But the mission had to be obeyed. If not, I would never find out the secrets of Gralg.

When we were a foot away from the door a gun shot was fired. I froze and then I fired my first shot. With that one shot my worries slipped away. Other shots followed and then I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"You were good, Matthias." Plague's voice said and I turned to see a smile on his face. Looking around the room I saw that the people were merely injured and not dead.

"How many of those were mine?" I asked.

"Enough." He said. I didn't know if that was a bad or good thing. "Now help me make sure that they don't die."

The people we 'helped' didn't seem happy about it. The faces I looked at were either scared, angry, or a combination of both. When we were done, we tied them up.

After a minute I was finally able to calm down enough to inspect myself. I couldn't find any wounds on myself.

"Are you okay, Plague?" I asked. I was more worried about him than myself.

"Not a scratch." He replied and smiled at me.

"What do we do now?"

"You stay here, watch over these people, and wait until I return."

"Return?" I asked.

"I need to search the whole house." Plague explained. "Besides, I know what to look for better than you."

"Fine." I said and shrugged.

He put his hand on my shoulder. "Don't worry, you'll get your turn."

I put on a small smile and he left.

A few seconds after Plague left one of the men asked, "What's happening, John?"

My name wasn't John, but that man was speaking to me.

"What did you call me?" I asked the man.

"John." The main repeated.

I shook my head. "My name is Matthias."

"Dammit, John, Henry must have done something to you." He said. "Your father is Henry Johnson. My name is George Hunder."

I sat by him, making sure that my guard wasn't lowered. It was impossible to know if George was telling the truth. His ass, along with his group, had been kicked. Plague and I had entered with hardly any resistance. I was simple minded, yes, and didn't have all of my memory. This made using the promise of knowing my past a good strategy.

I thought for a moment. Only Makija and the scientists at the lab would know about that. I was sure my impact upon everyday life wasn't great at all.

"Were we friends?" I asked George. If he said yes it would make believing him nearly impossible. Of course he would want me to think that he had been my friend. A friend would let him escape. I, not knowing him, wouldn't.

George shook his head. "We knew each other, but we were never friends." He looked me in the eyes. "I couldn't get that close to you because of your father."

"What was wrong with my father?"

"He was controlling you and you were scared." He looked around the room at his comrades and then turned his attention back to me. "You were the son of a scientist and all you were allowed to be was a janitor. Know what the worst part was?"

I shook my head and George replied, "He must've been doing things to you for years. The last day I saw you, you looked horrible. After that, it was impossible to find you." He laughed. "Hell, even finding your father became impossible."

"What was John like?" I asked.

"He was a good man. I hardly know more than that." George said. "And that's all I need to know."

I heard footsteps and pointed my gun at Plague.

"Jumpy?" He asked with a smile.

"Yeah," I replied. "Jumpy."

Plague took a second look at my face. "Are you okay, Matthias?" He asked and then looked at George. George became completely still as he realized Plague was who he had to be worried about. I wasn't much, but Plague could cause serious damage when he wanted to.

"Someone causing you problems?" When Plague said 'someone' he looked at George to show who he was talking about.

I shook my head. "He wasn't harassing me or anything."

"Bullshit." Plague said. "So what's your name?"

"George Hunder." George replied.

"So, George, what are you doing here? We tracked a Gralg tip here."

"We were experimenting with Gralg. That is true."

"Even though you knew it is illegal?"

"What does it do? Why did it become illegal?" I asked. I realized that this could be one of the few chances I would get an answer to the question.

"The side effects." George started. "For most people it makes them rage instantly upon it being put into their mouths. There are a few that don't get that reaction but, instead, get the intended reaction. The intended reaction is helping the mentally disabled become like everyone else."

"So you were experimenting to make it better?" Plague asked.

George shook his head. "I knew that it wouldn't become legal anytime soon and...there was someone who needed Gralg." He paused for a moment. I assumed he wasn't lying due to the sadness in his eyes. "I, and my group, were experimenting to be able to hide it better. We were trying to make it into a plant. Unfortunately some escaped. We don't know when or how. Well, at least the exact time."

Plague crossed his arms and turned to me. He was making me part of the decision process. Even though I was untrained he was giving me a chance.

"He does have someone." I said to Plague.

"But he started an outbreak of Gralg." Plague turned to George. "I'm going to call the police but I'll tell them to go light on you for Matthias' sake."

I was going to say 'Thank You' but I realized that wouldn't be good. I thought he knew what George had told me. Or at least that George knew who I really was.

Plague left the room to call the police. I was left alone with George and his group. Unlike the last time, there was no talking. The police came and took George and his group. Plague stood by me.

"Don't worry," He said. "We'll figure out this Gralg business and then you can find out who you are."

I nodded. John Johnson. That was my real name. If George was telling the truth.
The Green Blog aka Gralg Contamination

The Green: Remnants 4

Plague took a second look at my face. "Are you okay, Matthias?" He asked and then looked at George. George became completely still as he realized Plague was who he had to be worried about. I wasn't much, but Plague could cause serious damage when he wanted to.

"Someone causing you problems?" When Plague said 'someone' he looked at George to show who he was talking about.

I shook my head. "He wasn't harassing me or anything."

"Bullshit." Plague said. "So what's your name?"

"George Hunder." George replied.

"So, George, what are you doing here? We tracked a Gralg tip here."

"We were experimenting with Gralg. That is true."

"Even though you knew it is illegal?"

"What does it do? Why did it become illegal?" I asked. I realized that this could be one of the few chances I would get an answer to the question.

"The side effects." George started. "For most people it makes them rage instantly upon it being put into their mouths. There are a few that don't get that reaction but, instead, get the intended reaction. The intended reaction is helping the mentally disabled become like everyone else."

"So you were experimenting to make it better?" Plague asked.

George shook his head. "I knew that it wouldn't become legal anytime soon and...there was someone who needed Gralg." He paused for a moment. I assumed he wasn't lying due to the sadness in his eyes. "I, and my group, were experimenting to be able to hide it better. We were trying to make it into a plant. Unfortunately some escaped. We don't know when or how. Well, at least the exact time."

Plague crossed his arms and turned to me. He was making me part of the decision process. Even though I was untrained he was giving me a chance.

"He does have someone." I said to Plague.

"But he started an outbreak of Gralg." Plague turned to George. "I'm going to call the police but I'll tell them to go light on you for Matthias' sake."

I was going to say 'Thank You' but I realized that wouldn't be good. I thought he knew what George had told me. Or at least that George knew who I really was.

Plague left the room to call the police. I was left alone with George and his group. Unlike the last time, there was no talking. The police came and took George and his group. Plague stood by me.

"Don't worry," He said. "We'll figure out this Gralg business and then you can find out who you are."

I nodded. John Johnson. That was my real name. If George was telling the truth.
The Green Blog aka Gralg Contamination

Fringe "The End Of All Things" Review

I give a short review of the Fringe episode "The End Of All Things".

Let's Play Wii Fit Plus (Part 9)

I play different mini-games (Basic Step and Obstacle Course) on the Wii Fit Plus to get fit.

Let's Play Wii Fit Plus (Parts 6-8)

I play different mini-games (Body Test, Warrior Pose, Deep Breathing, Palm Tree, Tricep Extension, and Hula Hoop) on the Wii Fit Plus to get fit.

War Horse Music (Conan)

Conan's covering of the Oscars interests me more than the Oscars. This being due to the fact that most of the nominations were...odd (I guess that is the word)

Here is Conan covering the movie War Horse.

Team Coco

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Let's Play Silent Hill: Shattered Memories (Part 4)

I finally figure out how to turn over a can so I can get a key. Plus we meet a really HAWT police officer!

Let's Play Silent Hill: Shattered Memories (Parts 1-3)

I start out on my journey to find my daughter Cheryl. The highlight: Me singing in the women's restroom!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Pretty Little Liars "Breaking the Code" Review

I talk about the Pretty Little Liars episode "Breaking the Code".

Monday, February 20, 2012

The Green: Remnants 3

"What did you call me?" I asked the man.

"John." The main repeated.

I shook my head. "My name is Matthias."

"Dammit, John, Henry must have done something to you." He said. "Your father is Henry Johnson. My name is George Hunder."

I sat by him, making sure that my guard wasn't lowered. It was impossible to know if George was telling the truth. His ass, along with his group, had been kicked. Plague and I had entered with hardly any resistance. I was simple minded, yes, and didn't have all of my memory. This made using the promise of knowing my past a good strategy.

I thought for a moment. Only Makija and the scientists at the lab would know about that. I was sure my impact upon everyday life wasn't great at all.

"Were we friends?" I asked George. If he said yes it would make believing him nearly impossible. Of course he would want me to think that he had been my friend. A friend would let him escape. I, not knowing him, wouldn't.

George shook his head. "We knew each other, but we were never friends." He looked me in the eyes. "I couldn't get that close to you because of your father."

"What was wrong with my father?"

"He was controlling you and you were scared." He looked around the room at his comrades and then turned his attention back to me. "You were the son of a scientist and all you were allowed to be was a janitor. Know what the worst part was?"

I shook my head and George replied, "He must've been doing things to you for years. The last day I saw you, you looked horrible. After that, it was impossible to find you." He laughed. "Hell, even finding your father became impossible."

"What was John like?" I asked.

"He was a good man. I hardly know more than that." George said. "And that's all I need to know."

I heard footsteps and pointed my gun at Plague.

"Jumpy?" He asked with a smile.

"Yeah," I replied. "Jumpy."
The Green Blog aka Gralg Contamination

Sunday, February 19, 2012

The Walking Dead "Triggerfinger" Review

I give a little review of The Walking Dead episode "Triggerfinger".

Let's Play Wii Fit Plus (Parts 4 and 5)

I play different mini-games (Basic Step, Ski Jump, Lotus Focus, and Obstacle Course) on the Wii Fit Plus to get fit.

Let's Play Wii Fit Plus (Parts 1-3)

I play different mini-games (Basic Step, Warrior Pose, Standing Knee, and Torso Twists) on the Wii Fit Plus to get fit.

Pretty Little Liars "CTRL:A" Review

I give a short review of the Pretty Little Liars episode "CTRL:A".

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Fringe "A Better Human Being" Review

I give a review of the Fringe episode "A Better Human Being".

Camerah (If I Knew Then)

Everything is like the Series Finale (of Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles) except Derek Reese is alive.

Story: Sarah Connor loved Cameron but was never brave enough to try and start a relationship with her. After the full message from the Finale (I'm Sorry, John) is revealed it makes her very sad that she didn't try and start a relationship with Cameron before.

Friday, February 17, 2012

The Green: Remnants 2

Sante Kol, New Mexico was a little hard to find. But Plague and I were finally able to find it. The small neighborhood had a foreboding atmosphere. As Plague was now driving, I was free to worry. Worry that I would get Plague hurt because of my stupidity.

Upon driving up the house's driveway, I put my gun into my hand. Mine was small and not all that powerful. That was okay by me since it meant that if I messed up I wouldn't kill Plague. I got out and turned to see Plague hold his own gun. Much more powerful but also controlled by trained hands.

Nodding to each other we walked quickly to the front door. Though my feet's movements were quick, it felt like time slowed down and sped up at the same time. I wasn't ready for an attack at this time. But the mission had to be obeyed. If not, I would never find out the secrets of Gralg.

When we were a foot away from the door a gun shot was fired. I froze and then I fired my first shot. With that one shot my worries slipped away. Other shots followed and then I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"You were good, Matthias." Plague's voice said and I turned to see a smile on his face. Looking around the room I saw that the people were merely injured and not dead.

"How many of those were mine?" I asked.

"Enough." He said. I didn't know if that was a bad or good thing. "Now help me make sure that they don't die."

The people we 'helped' didn't seem happy about it. The faces I looked at were either scared, angry, or a combination of both. When we were done, we tied them up.

After a minute I was finally able to calm down enough to inspect myself. I couldn't find any wounds on myself.

"Are you okay, Plague?" I asked. I was more worried about him than myself.

"Not a scratch." He replied and smiled at me.

"What do we do now?"

"You stay here, watch over these people, and wait until I return."

"Return?" I asked.

"I need to search the whole house." Plague explained. "Besides, I know what to look for better than you."

"Fine." I said and shrugged.

He put his hand on my shoulder. "Don't worry, you'll get your turn."

I put on a small smile and he left.

A few seconds after Plague left one of the men asked, "What's happening, John?"

My name wasn't John, but that man was speaking to me.

The Green Blog aka Gralg Contamination

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Chronicle (2012)

Title: Chronicle

Director: Josh Trank

Starring: Dane DeHaan, Alex Russell, and Michael B. Jordan

Rated: PG-13

Released: 2012

Personal Rating: 4.5/5

Oscars: N/A

Basic Plot: Three high school friends gain superpowers after making an incredible discovery. Soon, though, they find their lives spinning out of control and their bond tested as they embrace their darker sides.

Compared to Other Found Footage Movies
I am not a big found footage movie sort of person. I tend to not see them that often. The one I can remember the most is The Blair Witch Project which sucked major ass. But that is a rant for another day. So when I found out that it was a found footage movie I was a little nervous. However, the many positive reviews calmed any fears I had. I agree with the reviewers who said that Chronicle is a found footage movie that people who don't like the sub-genre will like.

A New Look at the "Super Hero" Genre
Many super hero movies are about a person getting a super power(s) and then deciding to do good. That is not the case in Chronicle, however. And it works! These are three teenagers and, of course, their minds wouldn't go towards saving the world. Steve is going to be a politician, Matt is just a guy, and Andrew is abused by his father. So each one handles his own powers differently.

The Apex Streetlight
The final fight scene is great. However, there is one part that made me go: WTF?! Earlier in the film Andrew called himself the apex predator (apex predator is at the top of the food chain) and believes he's the strongest of the three. So in the final fight scene there is a point where Andrew crashes into a streetlight and then falls down. He then doesn't move for a minute or so.

Final Thoughts
Near the end of this movie I was squeezing revrezner's hand because I was so into the movie. People who want to see a good super villain movie should see this. You pity Andrew and yet know he is wrong. I fully agreed with Andrew throughout the movie but not the extremes he went to. So what happens at the end made me sad for hours afterwards. This is just my personal theater experience: one guy started saying rude comments during the epilogue so I wasn't able to fully hear what was said then.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Valentine's Day (2012)

For Valentine's Day this year I talk about one of my favorite non-canon pairings: Camerah!

Changed to blip.tv version from YouTube since blip.tv finally decided to upload the video.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Rise of the Planet of the Apes (2011)

Title: Rise of the Planet of the Apes

Director: Rupert Wyatt

Starring: James Franco, Andy Serkis, and Freida Pinto

Rated: PG-13

Released: 2011

Personal Rating: 4.5/5

Oscars: Nominated for 1

Basic Plot: Eight years of being raised by humans and now left behind in an abusive sanctuary, a hyper-intelligent chimpanzee will lead a revolution of apes towards freedom from man's torturous exploitation.

What Makes One Human
I guess I should've said: What Makes One Deserving of Freedom and Respect? Through Caesar, we get to see a "human's" view of being in a world where the dominant species (humans) have full control over you and don't respect you. I think a good portion of this movie being shown through Caesar's was a big help. Without Caesar you wouldn't have the theme of the movie being as clear.

The CGI (especially the apes) were done fantastically. The apes looked very realistic and you would swear they were real. Andy Serkis' acting added life to Caesar. But without the CGI being so good it wouldn't have mattered.

The Cure
James Franco's character starts making The Cure (which is the same title of a YA science fiction novel, which I'm probably the only one who noticed) which makes apes smarter but is deadly to humans. The way The Cure is spread over the world is HIGHLY believable. And scarily plausible.

Final Thoughts
I have not seen any of the previous films in the series (though I have viewed parts of the original). So, with that in mind, this is a very well done film. Tom Felton's death was a little creepy but deserved. It also shows a believable way of how apes could take over the Earth. It was very enjoyable to sit through.

See! It does exist!

Anniversary 2012 (Part 4)

revrezner and I spend our one year anniversary at Disney World!

Friday, February 10, 2012

Anniversary 2012 (Parts 1-3)

revrezner and I spend our one year anniversary at Disney World!

The Green: Remnants 1

I was driving and Plague was asleep beside me. I was new to driving, or at least I didn't have any memories about it from before the lab, and so I was concentrating very hard on the road. Plague had already driven a lot on our mission and so I had decided to practice while he slept. I liked that he trusted me with his life.

I had trusted him with something much more valuable last night. I had come out of the shower when I saw Plague lying on the bed. It wasn't a fancy bed by any means, just a cheap motel one. I wasn't surprised, though, our relationship had been growing. He was taking things at my speed, which was faster than it was slow.

Nodding my agreement, Plague took me through my first sexual experience. Well, my first that I could remember. The enjoyment I got to being so close to Plague was exhilarating. However, the physical feelings that I experienced were not as enjoyable. He was kind enough not to do anything too rough or extreme.

By the end of the night I had grown comfortable with gay sex. It was enjoyable but, somehow, lacking in an area I couldn't figure out. Plague and I had a conversation afterwards and he reassured me that it wasn't unusual for virgins to be frightened. I then realized I would have much more time to grow closer to my lover. And I wanted to grow as close to Plague as I could in every area.

I shook my head and concentrated on the road. I, Matthias, didn't have time to think about Plague right now. Making sure I didn't crash was much more of a concern. Finally the gas station was in sight and I pulled up.

The only one that paid any attention to me was a bum. I got out of the car and started to pump gas. All throughout this the bum just continued to look at me. It was uncomfortable to have such a gaze thrown at me. While Plague did sometimes stare at me, it was full of adoration. The bum's gaze, however, was judgmental and ready for a fight.

After I filled the car up I walked to the bum. I was scared for my life and didn't know if Plague could wake up in time to save me. But, on the other hand, he had trained me to fight. I was a beginner, but could hold my ground.

When I approached the bum I gave him a signal. It was made up of sounds and gestures. The combinations wouldn't make sense to a random person watching. It would just seem like I was yelling at the bum.

The bum looked at me closely and nodded. He told me a location in Sante Kol, New Mexico where the people we were looking for were located.

I walked to the car, got in, and started to drive to the location that the agent had given me. Though I'd always think of him as a bum.

The Green Blog

The Skin I Live In (2011)

Title: The Skin I Live In

Director: Pedro Almodóvar

Starring: Antonio Banderas, Elena Anaya, and Jan Cornet

Rated: R

Released: 2011

Personal Rating: 6/5

Oscars: N/A

Basic Plot: A brilliant plastic surgeon, haunted by past tragedies, creates a type of synthetic skin that withstands any kind of damage. His guinea pig: a mysterious and volatile woman who holds the key to his obsession.

Themes of Love and Revenge
This movie runs on love and revenge. The actions of the protagonist (who is the villain in this movie), Robert Ledgard, are rooted deeply in his feelings of love and revenge. One example of this (that won't spoil the movie for you) is that the face he gave Vera (his patient) was his wife's face. While this is disturbing, it is a show of love.

The Cinematography
Each shot of this movie is beautiful in its design. Each shot moves you and draws you in. Yes, acting is important, but how a film looks helps improve the experience. The music helps (and one song in particular proves to be of importance) and makes the viewing experience delightful.

WTF is Going On
I feel this should be addressed since this isn't a movie for everyone. This movie is VERY disturbing. Once the twist happens it gets VERY VERY DISTURBING. While I love this movie, I would say that if you are young (under 18) and/or conservative in political views and/or religious views (like Catholics) you probably won't enjoy this film. I don't want to turn people away from this movie, but it does deal with matters that some people might find VERY offensive.

Final Thoughts
This movie rocks! At the end of it I felt like I could hardly breathe since I was so full of emotions. I was both horrified and delighted about it. It is a great combination of horror, thriller, and science fiction. I have not seen such a good movie in a long LONG time. It is a foreign film, and subtitled, but that shouldn't matter to someone looking for a masterpiece.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Sushi, Sake, and Tanuki: A Lost Gem (complete)

"I have a new job for you." Hijunaki hissed. His snake form echoing the hate he had felt for me ever since my torture. Well, he'd say it had merely been him reprimanding me for gaining Akumie's hatred. My body had not yet healed from the torture. I could function and look like I had healed, but I hadn't. With only three months passing I could barely get over the psychological trauma. Though many didn't think I was emotional enough to experience any type of trauma.

"What is it?" I asked and bowed deeply. I didn't want to anger Hijunaki more than my presence already had.

"One of my my human slave girls, Yamaka, has escaped." Hijuanki paused a moment. "You know what I want you to do?"

"Kill her for disobeying you?" I replied. "That's what you would do."

He hissed back at me and I tried not to show any fear on my face. Which was the one to my main male human form. And hiding fear from a snake that was hundreds of feet high was not easy.

"Not always." Hijunaki finally answered. "You are proof of that."

I nodded. "Then you want me to bring her back."

He nodded and a smile formed on his face. "Yes, and do so quickly."

"May I take a partner on this trip?" I asked.

"Of course, I wouldn't think of letting you go out on your own so soon." He replied and I was glad my offer had been part of his original plan. Now he would think I was more scared of him than I already was. "Who are you thinking of?"

"Jirou." I replied.

Hijunaki nodded. "You may take him with you. He is loyal, unlike you. Now go."

I bowed to Hijunaki and left quickly. I didn't like being sent out on a mission and having a partner, but at least I'd get out. Maybe I could gain his trust again. Or at least have him be less outwardly violent to me.

Since Jirou and I had been friends, or something similar, I knew where to find him. Knocking on his bedroom door I could only wait. I hoped he'd agree to join me, since I didn't want to go with someone that I wasn't as familiar with.

"Rig?" Jirou said after he opened the door. "I don't want to fence today."

"No, it's not about that." I said. "Hijunaki said I had to take a partner on a mission."

"So you chose me?" He asked and I nodded. "Give me a minute and I'll be ready."

He shut the door and I started to wait for that minute to be over.

The wind was with me today. Since I was flying in my raven form, I was especially glad for this. I had made this raven form have better eyesight than an eagle's and as good of a sense of smell as a wolf. The real wolf, or half-wolf, was running on the ground and looking for Yamaka.

I landed on the half-wolf's shoulder when he stopped to rest.

"Jirou," I said. "You can't stop now. We are so close to finding her."

He looked at me angrily and I was glad that his head was human. Being next to wolf fangs wasn't something I wanted right now. Especially when I was in raven form.

"You are just impatient to get Hijunaki's favor again." Jirou said and flicked me off his shoulder. I spun around in the air for a few seconds before righting myself and then landed on a branch. "But if we don't do this correctly then you won't gain his favor. Also, the possibility of losing your life will be greater."

I nodded. I wanted to argue with him but that wouldn't be wise. Jirou was one of my only defenders. Well, my only defender.

"Can't you communicate to the spirits, Jirou?" I asked.

"They don't liked to be disturbed for unimportant matters." He replied. "And no matter what the situation is for us, it won't always matter to them."

"I'm already hated by a goddess, why not be hated by a few spirits?"

"You're not the one who will speak to them."

"Can't you promise them something of mine? Like my life after death?"

Jirou thought for a moment. "It would be odd, but it might work."

I would've smiled, if ravens could smile, and watched him. The words that came out of his mouth were beautiful and dark. He contacted the spirits of all the elements. A moment of silence followed what can only be described as a song. Then Jirou went into spasms of pain as he heard what the spirits had replied.

Jirou had described the voices of spirits as hard to handle and he wasn't yet trained enough to control his pain. I wanted to help him, but there was nothing I could do. So I tighted my grip on the branch and waited.

In a split second he was up and running. I managed to start flying after him before he managed to get out of my view. When he finally stopped, I realized this mission wouldn't earn me Hijunaki's favor. It was impossible now. I landed on the ground and shifted to my main male human form.

My human nose, unfortunately, was still able to smell well enough. Luckily, though, the body wasn't that decayed. But how it had been torn when something had eaten it was not pretty. Not even standable or appetizing. Well, I shouldn't call the corpse an it as it was a she. And her name was Yamaka.
All the sounds and smells of the forest were more noticable than they were before. The form I was in now was human except for my arms, which were blades. Jirou was behind me carrying Yamaka's corpse. I was hurrying back to Hijunaki's Palace, though I would've liked to never return. Especially because of what Jirou had told me about the spirits' reply.

The good news was that when I died I wouldn't have to worry about paying back the spirits. The bad news was their reason for deciding so. Looking back at Yamaka, seeming to rest peacefully in Jirou's arms, I tried to prepare myself for the pain I'd be experiencing. I knew something horrible would happen because that's why the spirits hadn't accepted my offer. I would be experiencing enough pain already.

I turned my head away from Jirou's gaze before he could try and comfort me. I decided to put all my attention in making sure we weren't attacked. But that didn't work. How could it when I kept imagining all the pain I'd be going through?

Finally Hijunaki's Palace could be seen in the distance and then we entered it. We passed by creations and slaves going about their usual business. All seemed quiet, but that was because of my fear. We arrived in the main chamber and Hijunaki looked at me. I bowed and then Jirou came in.

Jirou placed Yamaka in front of Hijunaki and went behind me. But did so in a way that downplayed his fear. I thought that Hijunaki would start to yell at me but then I saw something I had never expected to see on his face. It was a tear.

That tear was followed by many more. A cry like a dying beast came from his throat. I was moved by this. I realized the pain Hijunaki was showing was not because of losing a slave. If that had been the case, he'd have killed me like Katashi.

As Hijunaki's mourning continued, I realized that he had loved Yamaka. And if such a hateful thing could find it in his heart to risk loving someone: Couldn't I?

Sushi, Sake, and Tanuki: A Lost Gem 3

All the sounds and smells of the forest were more noticable than they were before. The form I was in now was human except for my arms, which were blades. Jirou was behind me carrying Yamaka's corpse. I was hurrying back to Hijunaki's Palace, though I would've liked to never return. Especially because of what Jirou had told me about the spirits' reply.

The good news was that when I died I wouldn't have to worry about paying back the spirits. The bad news was their reason for deciding so. Looking back at Yamaka, seeming to rest peacefully in Jirou's arms, I tried to prepare myself for the pain I'd be experiencing. I knew something horrible would happen because that's why the spirits hadn't accepted my offer. I would be experiencing enough pain already.

I turned my head away from Jirou's gaze before he could try and comfort me. I decided to put all my attention in making sure we weren't attacked. But that didn't work. How could it when I kept imagining all the pain I'd be going through?

Finally Hijunaki's Palace could be seen in the distance and then we entered it. We passed by creations and slaves going about their usual business. All seemed quiet, but that was because of my fear. We arrived in the main chamber and Hijunaki looked at me. I bowed and then Jirou came in.

Jirou placed Yamaka in front of Hijunaki and went behind me. But did so in a way that downplayed his fear. I thought that Hijunaki would start to yell at me but then I saw something I had never expected to see on his face. It was a tear.

That tear was followed by many more. A cry like a dying beast came from his throat. I was moved by this. I realized the pain Hijunaki was showing was not because of losing a slave. If that had been the case, he'd have killed me like Katashi.

As Hijunaki's mourning continued, I realized that he had loved Yamaka. And if such a hateful thing could find it in his heart to risk loving someone: Couldn't I?

Friday, February 3, 2012

Karoke (Parts 1 & 2)

I went to a Karoke place last night and here are some singers I filmed. Do I end up singing? Watch to find out!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Sushi, Sake, and Tanuki: A Lost Gem 2

The wind was with me today. Since I was flying in my raven form, I was especially glad for this. I had made this raven form have better eyesight than an eagle's and as good of a sense of smell as a wolf. The real wolf, or half-wolf, was running on the ground and looking for Yamaka.

I landed on the half-wolf's shoulder when he stopped to rest.

"Jirou," I said. "You can't stop now. We are so close to finding her."

He looked at me angrily and I was glad that his head was human. Being next to wolf fangs wasn't something I wanted right now. Especially when I was in raven form.

"You are just impatient to get Hijunaki's favor again." Jirou said and flicked me off his shoulder. I spun around in the air for a few seconds before righting myself and then landed on a branch. "But if we don't do this correctly then you won't gain his favor. Also, the possibility of losing your life will be greater."

I nodded. I wanted to argue with him but that wouldn't be wise. Jirou was one of my only defenders. Well, my only defender.

"Can't you communicate to the spirits, Jirou?" I asked.

"They don't liked to be disturbed for unimportant matters." He replied. "And no matter what the situation is for us, it won't always matter to them."

"I'm already hated by a goddess, why not be hated by a few spirits?"

"You're not the one who will speak to them."

"Can't you promise them something of mine? Like my life after death?"

Jirou thought for a moment. "It would be odd, but it might work."

I would've smiled, if ravens could smile, and watched him. The words that came out of his mouth were beautiful and dark. He contacted the spirits of all the elements. A moment of silence followed what can only be described as a song. Then Jirou went into spasms of pain as he heard what the spirits had replied.

Jirou had described the voices of spirits as hard to handle and he wasn't yet trained enough to control his pain. I wanted to help him, but there was nothing I could do. So I tighted my grip on the branch and waited.

In a split second he was up and running. I managed to start flying after him before he managed to get out of my view. When he finally stopped, I realized this mission wouldn't earn me Hijunaki's favor. It was impossible now. I landed on the ground and shifted to my main male human form.

My human nose, unfortunately, was still able to smell well enough. Luckily, though, the body wasn't that decayed. But how it had been torn when something had eaten it was not pretty. Not even standable or appetizing. Well, I shouldn't call the corpse an it as it was a she. And her name was Yamaka.